Be prepared for winter weather

Indiana’s winter weather can bring unpredictable power outages

When winter arrives, Hoosiers are never sure of what to expect. Heavy snows, freezing rain, ice storms can create electrical hazards warns Indiana Electric Cooperatives. “Being safe around electricity is something you should focus on year-round,” said Jon Elkins, vice  

Passing of Sharon Roberts

We are saddened to hear of the passing of Sharon Roberts, wife of Randy Roberts, local director at Orange County REMC. Below you will find the obituary. Please keep Randy and their family in your thoughts and prayers.

Keep your feasts festive

During the holidays, family and friends gather to celebrate. Usually, food is involved. But not all feasts turn out festive. The United States Fire Administration estimates more than 2,000 residential fires are reported each Thanksgiving, with cooking the leading cause.  …Read More.

Indiana’s electric cooperatives to complete nearly 40 unique service projects

Cooperatives will volunteer time to a statewide community day of service initiative Indiana’s electric cooperatives will host the annual “Indiana’s Electric Cooperative Community Day” Friday, Oct. 14. Twenty-six of Indiana’s electric cooperatives will complete a project that meets a specific need within their service area.  …Read More.

Passing of Bruce Buchanan

We are saddened to hear of the passing of Bruce Buchanan, local director at Warren County REMC.  Bruce has served on the Warren County REMC board for over 30 years and he was the Board Secretary.  Below you will find  …Read More.

Passing of Alice Faye Kleaving

We are saddened to have received news concerning the recent passing of Alice Faye Kleaving, mother of Randy Kleaving. Randy is the local director at Southern Indiana Power serving as the  IEC director and Board President of IEC, and the  …Read More.

Passing of Gerry Hizer

We are saddened to hear of the recent passing of Gerry Hizer, local board director and former board president of Fulton County REMC. Gerry also served on the Wabash Valley Power Board of Directors and served as an officer and  …Read More.

Passing of Kevin Bender

We are saddened to hear of the recent passing of Kevin Bender, local board director from Carroll White REMC and also served as the CFC Director for District 4. Visitation will be at the Wabash & Erie Canal Interpretative Center  …Read More.