National Work Zone Awareness Week

Electric cooperatives remind motorists to drive safely in all work zones

The National Work Zone Awareness Week is April 17-21 reminds motorists to be careful around those whose jobs put them along the roadways. Indiana’s electric cooperatives remind motorists work zones also include utility crews who also work along the roadsides  …Read More.

John Cassady Joins IEC

I am grateful for the privilege to lead IEC on behalf of our 38 member cooperatives. I am in week two as CEO, although I am not new to the electric cooperative industry. My background includes over 20 years in  …Read More.

Commitment to Zero Contacts Phase Two

Studies show serious injuries and fatalities happen most often because short cuts are taken with life-saving rules. This happens consistently in most industries – including the electric cooperative network. Unfortunately, the serious injuries and fatalities occur most often on simple,  …Read More.

New IEC Office Purchased

In 2018, Indiana Electric Cooperatives left its longtime High School Road home and moved into its current sub-leased space on the north side of Indianapolis. The move afforded the IEC board time to adequately plan for what the organization needed  …Read More.

New E-Learning Opportunities

Most electric cooperative employees are busy and always on the go. That can make it difficult to set aside time for travel and a full day of training. The new e-learning opportunities from IEC allow you cooperative employees to grow  …Read More.

Indiana Electric Cooperatives Host Page Day

Twenty-two students represented 11 of Indiana’s electric cooperatives at the Indiana Statehouse Wednesday, March 22, for the cooperatives’ annual Page Day. “Serving as a page gives young people a unique opportunity to participate in state government,” explained Rachel McFadden, youth  …Read More.

John Cassady named CEO of Indiana Electric Cooperatives

Cassady to lead statewide electric cooperative trade association Indiana Electric Cooperatives’ (IEC) board of directors announced John Cassady as the association’s next chief executive officer. Currently executive vice president of member and stakeholder relations of Wabash Valley Power Alliance (WVPA),  …Read More.