Legislative Issues Reference

Legislative Issues Reference Guide Indiana Electric Cooperatives (IEC) publishes this document as a reference to many of the issues we continue to face in state government. While these statements reflect our current summary positions on the referenced issues, this document  …Read More.

Indiana Electric Cooperatives opposes latest EPA regulations

Proposed mandates threaten Indiana’s growing economy and thousands of jobs.

Indiana Electric Cooperatives today announced opposition to the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) just-released regulations for existing source coal-fired electricity generation facilities. “We are concerned about the impact these regulations will have on our member owners,” said Rick Coons, CEO of  …Read More.

Service Territory Boundaries

Priority: Protect the service territories of member cooperatives Issue: Maintain fair and equitable electric service territories that are in the best interest of all ratepayers. Call for action: Indiana Electric Cooperatives urges the Indiana legislature to enact legislation that protects  …Read More.