Steve Seibert, CEO of Southern Indiana Power, traveled to Washington, D.C., on a mission: tell key members of Congress what the Environmental Protection Agency’s greenhouse gas proposal will do to consumers who rely on affordable and reliable electricity. The result? …Read More.
Southern Indiana Power CEO participates in House Science Committee roundtable
Washington, D.C. – Wednesday, Sept. 17, 2014 Southern Indiana Power CEO Steve Seibert Wednesday participated in a roundtable on the Environmental Protection Agency’s proposed greenhouse gas regulations for existing power plants. Seibert and other roundtable participants advised the Republican members …Read More.
Southern Indiana Power member shares how EPA efforts miss the mark
I recently moved to Perry County and as a Southern Indiana Power Co-op member received a request from Steve Seibert, the cooperative’s chief executive officer, to comment on the Environmental Protection Agency’s proposed rule to regulate carbon-dioxide emissions from existing …Read More.
Indiana Electric Cooperatives launches media campaign in opposition of EPA regulations
Hoosiers encouraged to visit, urge the EPA to balance energy needs with environmental concerns
Indiana Electric Cooperatives launched a radio and social media campaign in opposition of new EPA regulations for existing source coal-fired electricity generating facilities. The statewide campaign includes a seven-week social media presence and a six-week radio buy. The association is …Read More.
Tipmont REMC leading the way with community solar project
One by one, 240 solar panels are going up in Linden, each one moving the state into the future of energy. Once complete, the Tipmont REMC project will be the state’s first community solar program, further diversifying an Indiana energy …Read More.
South Central Indiana REMC builds wildlife habitat
South Central Indiana REMC’s vegetation management program stresses system reliability and enhancement of wildlife habitat and co-op members, and staff and environmentalists are pleased with the results. Read the full story by visiting
Kankakee Valley REMC’s backpack drive exceeds expectations
When Kankakee Valley REMC’s staff decided to help students in area elementary schools by filling backpacks with donated supplies, they thought the program’s first year would be a success if they managed to give away 100 filled backpacks. But when …Read More.
WIN Energy weighs in on proposed EPA regulations
WIN Energy REMC has taken its message against regulations proposed by the EPA to television airwaves to create a conversation regarding energy emissions. For the full story visit
Hoosier Energy adds renewable energy with wind power purchase
Hoosier Energy has entered into a 15-year power purchase agreement with EDP Renewables North America that will add 25 megawatts of wind energy from and Illinois wind farm beginning in December 2014. For the full story visit
Tipmont REMC offers community solar program to its members
Tipmont REMC has announced a new community solar program being offered to its members. The cooperative will soon begin construction of a solar array near its Linden headquarters. The array will be made up of 240, 410-watt solar panels. Construction …Read More.

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