Marian Sheffer, mother of Indiana Electric Cooperatives employee Gary Sheffer, died on Thursday, Jan. 1, 2015. Services will be Tuesday, Jan. 6, 10:30 a.m., at Jackson Funeral Chapel, Rensselaer, Ind.. Visitation will be held Monday, Jan. 5, 4:00-8:00 p.m. Memorials may be made to the …Read More.
Service territory preservation
Preserving affordable electricity for our members
Under current state law, municipal electric utilities can take territory and consumers away from electric cooperatives and investor-owned utilities after a municipal annexation, compromising the operations of cooperatives and raising expenses for the remaining members. By law, electric cooperatives and …Read More.
Indiana Electric Cooperatives honor middle school volunteers
A group of standout Indiana middle schoolers got gold medal attention for giving back to their communities, thanks to the statewide electric cooperative association. Indiana Electric Cooperatives honored five students recently with its Youth Power and Hope Awards during a …Read More.
A lesson in distributed generation
When officials from several electric cooperatives and other utility interests wanted a look at how distributed generation projects are changing power supply, a road trip through Indiana fit the bill. The tour was sponsored by the 25×25 Alliance, an organization …Read More.
Carroll White REMC buys first lot in Hoosier Heartland Industrial Park
Carroll White REMC became the first company to purchase a lot in the Hoosier Heartland Industrial Park in Carroll County Tuesday, Dec. 2. The electric cooperative plans to build a new operations center in the park. The facility is expected to be complete …Read More.
Gayvin Strantz named 2014 Ernest G. Shearer Memorial Service Award recipient
Indiana Electric Cooperatives named Gayvin Strantz the recipient of the 2014 Ernest G. Shearer Memorial Service Award. Strantz, vice president of job training, safety and loss control at Indiana Electric Cooperatives, was presented the award during the superintendents and engineers …Read More.
WFYI profiles teen inspired by electric cooperative philanthropy project
Tipmont REMC member and Youth Tour 2013 alumnus Wesley Boone has been profiled by the Indianapolis PBS station, WFYI. Boone started Gear Going Global, an organization devoted to sending new and gently used sporting gear to children in developing countries. As …Read More.
Youth Power and Hope Award winners named
Five Indiana middle school students have been named recipients of the 2014 Youth Power and Hope Award. The award recognizes fifth through eighth grade students who are active leaders in their community and whose parents live on electric cooperative lines …Read More.
Group from Israel learns from NineStar
Visitors examine fiber optic technology
Israel is eyeing a national project that would take fiber optic broadband to virtually the entire country, and representatives visited NineStar Connect to see how the cooperative does it. Two representatives from state-owned Israel Electric Corp., and one from Israel …Read More.
Indiana cooperatives helping prisons break out of wasting energy
Think about the key accounts at your electric cooperative and what comes to mind — probably factories, warehouses and schools. How about prisons? They’re on Hoosier Energy’s list. And the G&T helped save one state facility hundreds of thousands of …Read More.

We power communities and empower our members by improving their quality of life.