Tina sits anxiously at the table eating her breakfast. She can hardly contain her nervous energy as she waits for the school bus to arrive. Today is her first day back to school after a long summer break. She’s ready …Read More.
Avoid a shocking swim
Because of faulty electrical wiring in a swimming pool, a 7-year-old Miami boy was killed earlier this spring. Indiana Electric Cooperatives urges pool owners to have their pool’s electrical system checked by a qualified, licensed electrician to keep swimmers safe this …Read More.
Talk to your teens about dangers of driving
Sleeping in, hanging out by the pool, and earning a little extra money are popular summertime activities for teenagers. Unfortunately, traffic accidents are also a common occurrence among teens in the summer. The National Work Zone Safety Information Clearinghouse reports …Read More.
Look up — and down — for power lines
The man probably didn’t know what hit him — or, more accurately — what he hit. It was that fast, and he was pronounced dead at the scene. He was digging a hole for a private contractor on private property …Read More.
Give line crews lots of room: It’s the law
After a brutal winter, spring has finally arrived with its profusion of color: whites and pinks … and orange — lots of orange — as in the orange of work zones. The National Work Zone Awareness Week is April 7-11 …Read More.
Mary Anne Christenberry
Mary Anne Marks Christenberry, grandmother of Brian Christenberry IEC State Government Relations Manager, passed away January 15, 2015. Services will be held on Monday, January 19, 2015 at 12:30 p.m. in Trinity Wesleyan Church, 9709 Allisonville Road, with visitation one hour …Read More.
Weathering a power outage
It’s 5:45 on a typical evening. You’re in the kitchen preparing dinner when, unexpectedly, darkness descends. Quiet fills the house, as the TV is no longer heard; the pots on the stove cease to boil; and the hum of electronics …Read More.
Busting those electrical safety myths
When it comes to electric safety, what you don’t know can kill you. Unfortunately, sometimes we think we’ve got the facts when what we really know are popular myths perpetuated by the Web and unreliable sources. “That old saying ‘knowledge …Read More.
Building Operator Certification program offered through Hoosier Energy and Wabash Valley Power
The Indiana Office of Energy Development is partnering with the Midwest Energy Efficiency Alliance and several Indiana utilities, including Hoosier Energy and Wabash Valley Power, to offer a nationally-recognized training program to certify Indiana building operators as efficiency experts. The …Read More.
Electric utilities battle over annexing territories
Sen. Mike Crider filed a bill that would eliminate municipal electric utilities’ ability to take territory from rural electric cooperatives and investor-owned utilities. “To me, it’s kind of a basic fairness issue,” Crider said. He filed the bill Dec. 30. …Read More.

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