Electricity is an important part of our daily lives at both home and work, as well as a wonderful convenience. But as with many things, electricity can be dangerous if used incorrectly, says Indiana Electric Cooperatives (IEC). “According to the …Read More.
April 23-27 Is National Work Zone Awareness Week
In April each year, National Work Zone Awareness week is held to bring national attention to motorist when driving through work zones. Work zones are hazardous for both motorist and workers, but most of the responsibility for safety belongs to …Read More.
Power Supply Equipment Is Dangerous, So Avoid It
Delivering electricity to your home takes a variety of equipment, some of which may be sitting in your yard or neighborhood. While both adults and children may be curious, the inherent dangers of electricity provide a good reason to maintain …Read More.
Proper Planning is the Key to Safety with Flooding
Springtime in Indiana means warmer weather, but one of the downsides is an increased risk for flooding as local streams swell with runoff from melting snow and ice. Indiana Electric Cooperatives says that this is a good time of year …Read More.
Pay Close Attention to Safety During Spring Planting
Many people don’t realize that farming is one of the most dangerous occupations. In fact, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics says that during 2008, the most recent year for statistics, one in every six fatal workplace injuries in Indiana …Read More.
Avoiding Lightning is Always a Bright Idea
The arrival of spring weather in Indiana means early flowers and green grass. It also means spring thunderstorms that streak the sky with lightning. “Although lightning is beautiful, it presents a deadly hazard,” said Rick Coons CEO, of Indiana Electric Cooperatives. While we …Read More.
Dario Baker
Dario Baker, son of Bob Barker local director on the Tipmont REMC Board and also serves as director on the Wabash Valley Power Association Baord, passed away January 23, 2015. Services will be held 6:00 p.m. Monday, January 26 at …Read More.
Bernard Harker
Bernard Harker, former Daviess-Martin County REMC director, passed away at the age of 93. Services will be held at 10:00 a.m on Friday, January 30 at St. John’s Lutheran Church, Loogootee, Indiana, 47553 …Read More
Safety Precautions Keep the Holidays Happy
The candles, the decorations, the tree, a scenic drive … they’re all the things that make the holidays special. Sadly, they can also create hazards if certain safety measures aren’t considered. “Too often we see the holidays turn tragic for …Read More.
Light Your Holidays Safely This Year
As the holidays approach, our imaginations are filled with images of perfectly lighted trees and homes welcoming us with twinkling lights and decorations. But in the rush to create the light display of our dreams, we often overlook the precautions …Read More.

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