After a long, cold winter, Hoosiers can’t wait to get outdoors during longer days of sunshine to begin long, put-off chores in the yard. But before heading out with a ladder or a shovel, looking up and down for electric …Read More.
Indiana Electric Cooperatives wins award for grassroots mobilization
ORLANDO, Fla. — Indiana Electric Cooperatives received the Paul Revere Award from the National Rural Electric Cooperative Association (NRECA) at the organization’s annual meeting in Orlando this week. “Indiana Electric Cooperatives truly stepped up its game this year and very …Read More.
Rooftop tool teaches Trafalgar students about energy
Students at Indian Creek High School in Trafalgar are learning to think outside the box thanks to a grant from Johnson County REMC and Hoosier Energy. The grant provided a solar water heater for the school, but has also provided …Read More.
Electric cooperatives lead the way in solar energy innovation
Indiana’s electric cooperatives are leading the way on a new way for consumers to collect solar energy and lower their utility bills. Think about it: if there are two things rural Indiana has in spades, they’re open land and sunshine. …Read More.
Do you know proper electricity etiquette?
As children, we’re taught simple etiquette, including saying “please” and “thank you.” But, we typically aren’t taught “electricity etiquette.” Is there etiquette for electricity? Many electric cooperatives would say, “Yes!” Not heeding proper rules regarding electricity can lead to serious …Read More.
Is danger lurking in your laundry room?
Laundry. It’s a necessary chore for each and every household. But, while you’re making your whites whiter and your colors brighter, are you making sure that you and your family are safe? While doing laundry may seem like a harmless, …Read More.
Frieda Mae Pauley
Frieda Mae Pauley, retired director from Knox County REMC, passed away on Wednesday, February 11 at River Oaks Health Campus in Princeton. Funeral services will be held at 10 a.m. on Friday, February 13, 2015 at the Colvin Funeral Home in …Read More.
Whitewater Valley REMC linemen rescue woman trapped in car
While responding to the report of a broken pole, Whitewater Valley REMC linemen Brad Wildman and Mark Bell found a car down a steep embankment with its driver trapped inside. The pair jumped into action and helped free the woman …Read More.
Indiana cooperatives fight taking of members
Taking of electric cooperative territory by municipal utilities has been commonplace in Indiana for 30 years. Now, one cooperative, stripped of thousands of members and more than $13 million in annual revenue, is shining a spotlight for state lawmakers to …Read More.
Dale Hayhurst
Dale Hayhurst, retired local director at WIN Energy REMC, passed away on Friday, January 30, 2015. Funeral services will be held at Faith Wesleyan Church, 6751 S. Carlisle St. Terre Haute, In 47802, on Friday, February 6, 2015 at 10:30 AM. Visitation is …Read More.

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