Officials from three Indiana electric cooperatives and Henry County dedicated a new solar farm Sept. 16, tapping into the power of the sun to light up homes and businesses throughout east central Indiana. Henry County REMC, RushShelby Energy and Whitewater …Read More.
Harrison REMC nominated for NRECA Electric Cooperative Purpose Award
Harrison REMC earned its nomination for the NRECA Electric Cooperative Purpose Award by promoting energy efficiency as a way to help members save money. Read More.
Kankakee Valley REMC backpack program a success
In its second year, Kankakee Valley REMC’s Pack a Backpack program gave members of the community the opportunity to purchase school supplies or make a monetary donation to help students in need. The program provided 250 fully- packed backpacks to …Read More.
Solar array dedication set for Sept. 16
Officials from Henry County REMC, RushShelby Energy, Whitewater Valley REMC and the city of New Castle plan to flip the switch on a new solar farm at a dedication event Sept. 16, turning sunshine into electricity for homes and businesses …Read More.
Hoosier Energy, Randolph Farms partner to add renewable energy resource
Hoosier Energy and Randolph Farms Landfill announced Aug. 25 a partnership that will turn landfill gas into a renewable energy resource for Randolph County. Read More.
Hoosier Energy named a Top 10 Utility by Site Selection magazine
The joint economic development program of Hoosier Energy and its member electric distribution cooperatives has been recognized as one of the top 10 utility programs in the nation. Read More.
Willlam “Wlllle” Gesse
We are saddened by the news received concerning the passing of William “Willie” Gesse father of Larry Gesse, local attorney at Johnson County REMC. The funeral service will be held tomorrow. Expressions of sympathy may be sent to Johnson County REMC, …Read More.
Robert Spurling
We are saddened to have received news concerning the recent passing of Robert Spurling. Robert was a lineman at Bartholomew County REMC. A Memorial Tribute to the life of Robert Spurling will be held at the Bartholomew County REMC office …Read More.
Tom VanParis named CEO of Indiana Electric Cooperatives
Indiana Electric Cooperatives’ (IEC) board of directors today announced Tom VanParis as the association’s next chief executive officer. Currently vice president of member services and communications at Hoosier Energy, VanParis will become CEO of the 80-year-old organization Oct. 19. “I …Read More.
Greg Ternet named CEO of Hendricks Power
Hendricks Power Cooperative announced Aug. 20 that its board of directors had appointed Greg Ternet as chief executive officer effective Sept. 20, 2015. Ternet is currently serving as CEO of Parke County REMC. Read more.

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