Sen. Merritt named “Champion of Indiana’s Electric Cooperatives”

Award recognizes leadership and support of issues and policies important to Indiana's electric cooperatives

Indiana Electric Cooperatives recognized Sen. Jim Merritt (R, Dist. 31) for his leadership and support for electric cooperative legislative and policy priorities. The “Champion of Indiana’s Electric Cooperatives” award was presented Monday, Dec. 7, at the Indiana Electric Cooperatives annual  …Read More.

Mikel Steven Arnold

We are saddened to have received news concerning the passing of Mikel Steven Arnold, son of Danny Arnold. Danny was the former General Manager/CEO at Orange County REMC…Read More

What is Project Indiana?

Empowering global communities for a better tomorrow

Through Project Indiana, Indiana’s electric cooperatives are empowering global communities one Guatemalan village at a time. Beginning in 2012, the International Year of the Cooperative, two teams of Indiana linemen spent a month electrifying three villages in Guatemala. Lives were  …Read More.

Meet the linemen of Project Indiana

Empowering global communities for a better tomorrow

In the jungles of Guatemala, 14 linemen from Indiana’s electric cooperatives braved primitive roads and mountainous terrain — different challenges than what they typically face as Indiana linemen. But together, they had one goal — to electrify Sepamac, a remote  …Read More.

Cindy Denney named 2015 C. Tom Taylor Award recipient

Award recognizes outstanding contributions to electric cooperative member services

Indiana Electric Cooperatives named Cindy Denney the recipient of the 2015 C. Tom Taylor Award. Denney, director of marketing and customer services at Jay County REMC, was presented the award during the Marketing, Member Services and Communicators (MMSC) professional section  …Read More.