Indiana Electric Cooperatives (IEC) named Stacey Holton to its cooperative relations staff. Holton will serve as the association’s graphic design specialist. Holton will design graphic content for IEC, and will manage the association’s graphic design program to support the needs …Read More.
Parke County REMC announces new CEO
Rockville, IN —The Parke County REMC board of directors appointed Chadd Jenkins its new Chief Executive Officer effective Jan. 11. Jenkins was previously manager of engineering and operations at Tipmont REMC. Jenkins, a native of Sullivan County, has been in the electric industry …Read More.
Electrical outlet safety
The allure of an electrical outlet can be too much for a curious child to resist. The tiny slots are just the right size for a paper clip, coin, key, or bobby pin. Leave a child unsupervised for just a …Read More.
Kankakee Valley REMC celebrates solar array
Solar doesn’t differentiate between seasons. Using light, not heat to produce energy, solar is a great source for earth friendly energy. Kankakee Valley REMC held a ribbon cutting Dec. 3 for its new 100 KW community solar project. The ribbon cutting celebrated …Read More.
Electric blanket safety
Old Man Winter’s firm grip has many in the Midwest looking for ways to keep warm on these frigid nights and look to an electric blanket to stay warm and comfortable. When purchasing and using an electric blanket, safety is …Read More.
Solar array provides power for Harrison County
Officials from Harrison REMC and Hoosier Energy dedicated a new solar farm near I-64 on Dec. 9. The 4,300-panel array is located in Georgetown and is capable of generating enough electricity to power about 150 homes annually. Read More: Hoosier …Read More.
Eddie Dean Powell,
We are saddened by the passing of Ed Powell after a brief illness. Ed served as corporate attorney to WIN Energy REMC since 1997 and prior to that for 25 years with Sullivan County REMC…Read More
Three Indiana legislators named “Champion of Indiana’s Electric Cooperatives”
Award recognizes leadership and support of issues and policies important to Indiana’s electric cooperatives
Indiana Electric Cooperatives recognized three Indiana legislators Monday with the “Champion of Indiana’s Electric Cooperatives” award for their leadership and support of issues and policies important to Indiana’s electric cooperatives. The award honors lawmakers who demonstrate leadership and steadfast support …Read More.
Congressman Young named “Champion of Indiana’s Electric Cooperatives”
Award recognizes leadership and support of issues and policies important to Indiana’s electric cooperatives
Indiana Electric Cooperatives recognized U.S. Rep. Todd Young (R, Dist. 9) for his leadership and support for electric cooperative legislative and policy priorities. The “Champion of Indiana’s Electric Cooperatives” award was presented Monday, Dec. 7, at the Indiana Electric …Read More.
Koch named “Champion of Indiana’s Electric Cooperatives”
Award recognizes leadership and support of issues and policies important to Indiana’s electric cooperatives
Indiana Electric Cooperatives recognized Rep. Eric Koch (R, Dist. 65) for his leadership and support for electric cooperative legislative and policy priorities. The “Champion of Indiana’s Electric Cooperatives” award was presented Monday, Dec. 7, at the Indiana Electric Cooperatives annual …Read More.

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