Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass. It’s about about learning the safety precautions to take once it’s gone. After a storm, many think the dangers have left with the high winds, heavy rain and lightning strikes; but …Read More.
Space heaters: safety vs. convenience
With the hustle and bustle of the holidays just ending, we’ll do just about anything to make things easier on ourselves. The convenience of electric space heaters are great, but don’t forget about all of the safety precautions you may …Read More.
UDWI Names Douglas Childs as New CEO
The Utilities District of Western Indiana REMC named Douglas Childs as its new chief executive officer. The UDWI REMC Board of Directors released Child’s name after a robust national search to fill the CEO position. Childs brings to UDWI REMC …Read More.
Southeastern Indiana REMC Communicator Earns National Credential
Southeastern Indiana REMC is pleased to announce that B.J. Myers, administrative assistant/communications specialist, has earned recognition as a professional communicator in a national certification program offered by the National Rural Electric Cooperative Association (NRECA). B.J. met the requirements to become …Read More.
Preparing for winter storms
Indiana weather can be unpredictable, especially during the winter months. That’s why you should prepare for dangerous situations before a storm hits. It is especially important to develop a plan for prolonged power outages during these harsh months. Heavy snows, …Read More.
When It’s Cold Outside, Keep Electrical Safety In Mind!
Winter is full of holiday festivities, and, unfortunately, home fires. Avoid the hazards that are all too common during this time of year with some helpful holiday and winter electrical safety tips! During these winter holiday months, everyone breaks out …Read More.
South Central Indiana REMC names new CEO
Tanneberger begins succession as McKelfresh retires after 42 years of service
The South Central Indiana REMC board of directors named James Tanneberger to succeed CEO Greg McKelfresh, who retires in January 2018 after 42 years at the cooperative. Read More.
Indiana’s electric cooperatives to assist in Hurricane Irma recovery
Crews deploying to Georgia Tuesday
Indiana’s electric cooperatives are sending crews and equipment to assist in the Hurricane Irma recovery efforts. The storm has created widespread property damage with more than 6 million without power in the southeastern part of the country. An estimated 60 …Read More.
Safeguard electronics from power surges
Indiana Electric Cooperatives advises Hoosiers to learn the importance of having a reliable surge protector to safeguard their electronics. Surge protectors save electronics from power surges or increases in voltage significantly above the intended level in the flow of electricity. …Read More.
Creating an electrical safety plan before you plant a tree
Trees and power lines often coexist without problems. However, that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t take precautions when planting a tree. Not only do dangers lurk for the person planting the tree, nearby power lines and trees can be harmed as …Read More.
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