We are saddened to hear of the passing of Nancy Guernsey, mother of Bruce Guernsey, local director at Boone REMC. Visitation will be held on Sun., Oct. 7 from 2:00-6:00 p.m. and the funeral service will be held on Mon., …Read More.
Mike DeFreeuw named 2018 Tom Taylor Award recipient
Indiana Electric Cooperatives named Mike DeFreeuw the recipient of the 2018 Tom Taylor Award. DeFreeuw, director of marketing and communications at Northeastern REMC, was presented the award during the Marketing, Member Services and Communicators (MMSC) professional section fall meeting Sept. …Read More.
Winterizing your home before the bitter chill
The best time of the year to start winterizing your home is before the temperatures start to drop and snow is already on the ground, but if you’re reading this and haven’t already made those small changes to your home, …Read More.
Indiana’s electric cooperatives applaud Gov. Holcomb’s commitment to expanding rural broadband
Governor announces $100 million in state funding to 'bridge digital divide'
Indiana’s electric cooperatives applaud today’s announcement at South Central Indiana REMC by Gov. Eric Holcomb that he has allocated $100 million toward rural broadband expansion as part of his Next Level Connections infrastructure plan. “Over the last two years, Gov. …Read More.
Home appliance safety starts with good habits
It’s easy to underestimate the dangers posed by the appliances in your home because, let’s face it, they weren’t something you were taught to worry about. When you were a child, your parents handled all of the household duties. When …Read More.
$12 billion in benefit if Indiana closes rural digital divide
State and federal funding necessary to fill the gap
A study released Monday by the Purdue Center for Regional Development estimates Indiana could gain nearly $12 billion in economic benefits if broadband were deployed in the rural areas of the state. The report, commissioned by Indiana Electric Cooperatives and …Read More.
Report: Broadband access would benefit rural areas, state
Indiana could reap nearly $12 billion in present value of net economic benefits over a 20-year period if an investment were made to extend broadband internet into the state’s rural areas, according to an analysis conducted by Purdue University agricultural …Read More.
Steuben County REMC student named Electric Cooperative Youth Leadership Council runner-up spokeswoman
On Tuesday, July 17, Annie Delgadillo, a 2018-2019 senior at Angola High School and Steuben County REMC, was named the runner-up spokeswoman of the Electric Cooperative Youth Leadership Council (YLC), a select group of students who traveled to Washington, D.C., …Read More.
Electrical overloads: Unloading the circuit
No matter what time of year, whether it’s the holidays, full of bright decorations covering every inch of your home, or summertime, when you just can’t seem to plug in enough fans to keep cool, it’s never the wrong time …Read More.
Do you understand your home’s electrical system?
A lot of people won’t plug in their new TV or toaster without reading the instruction booklet at least once. But many will move into a new home without understanding the electrical system that makes all the electronics work. Would …Read More.

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