Passing of Gerald E. Bowley

We are saddened to hear the news concerning the passing of Gerald E. (Jerry) Bowley, father of Tim Bowley. Tim is the Operations Manager at Paulding Putnam Electric Cooperative, Inc. Below you will find the obituary.

Passing of Jerry Peevler

We are saddened to hear the news concerning the recent passing of Jerry Peevler. Jerry was Chairman of the Tipmont REMC board of directors and also served as director on the Wabash Valley Power Alliance board. The family will have  …Read More.

Passing of Ronnie Mohr

We are saddened to hear the news concerning the passing of Ronnie Mohr.  Ronnie was a director of NineStar Connect and its predecessor cooperative Central Indiana Power for 26 years.  He had served as CIP board Chairman.  He was also  …Read More.

Passing of Donald Buhrt

We are saddened to hear the news concerning the sudden passing of Donald Buhrt, husband of Kim Buhrt. Kim is a local director at Kosciusko REMC and also serves as the IEC director. Below you will find the obituary. Obituary  …Read More.