Case Study

Case Study: Lineworker Hiring Program

Clark County REMC Finding individuals with the work ethic and skills to succeed as electric cooperative lineworkers is an ongoing, never-ending task. The relationship between lineworkers and their employers is symbiotic. Much is asked of lineworkers. They might be asked  …Read More.

Case Study: Youth Director Programs

Carroll White REMC and Fulton County REMC For the Good of the Order Electric cooperatives have a long history of developing the “next generation” of consumers and educating them about electric cooperatives, the cooperative business model, and community service. Indiana’s  …Read More.

Case Study: Balanced Performance Scorecard

Bartholomew County REMC On a ‘Journey to Great’ In late 2013, the Balanced Performance Scorecard, a tool for organizations to measure, manage and improve functions, was introduced to the leadership team at Bartholomew County REMC. BCREMC soon began using the  …Read More.