Posts By: IEC Editorial Staff

Passing of Monty Jones

We are saddened to hear the news concerning the recent passing of Monty Jones, father of Marty Jones.  Marty is the Senior Regulatory Consultant at Indiana Electric Cooperatives.  Services will be held next Fri., April 23 from 2:00-4:00 p.m. at  …Read More.

Stay safe when setting sail

Electric safety is probably the last thing that crosses anyone’s mind on a leisurely summertime boat ride. But because water and electricity are a deadly combination, before taking off, brush up on some boating safety rules. “It’s critical you stay  …Read More.

Avoid downed power lines!

Power lines crisscross our countryside, bringing the benefits of electricity. But storms or accidents can knock them from their perch and put them on the ground or within reach. Just because they’re down doesn’t mean they’re dead. “Keeping your distance  …Read More.