Water and electricity don’t mix. That’s why there are tags on hairdryers, heaters and other appliances warning of the risk of electrocution if the appliance falls in water. “Bathrooms are the most dangerous rooms in homes because of the large …Read More.
Posts By: IEC Editorial Staff
Make sure your ‘port-of-entry’ is safe and clear to pass
If your house has an attached garage, more than likely it’s the main port-of-entry to your home. More and more, especially in suburban neighborhoods, it seems the garage is the tool shed, workshop, recycling center and a temporary storage area …Read More.
Wake up to safety
On average, Americans spend almost a third of each day sleeping. Our bedrooms should be safe and comfortable places to rest. The folks at Indiana Electric Cooperatives encourage you to make electrical safety a priority in your home’s bedrooms by …Read More.
Frye honored with distinguished service award
Daviess-Martin REMC General Manager Ken Frye was recently recognized by the Rural Electricity Resource Council (RERC) with its Distinguished Service Award. Frye’s career-long efforts and leadership at the cooperative were highlighted during the April 20 presentation at the RERC Annual Conference near …Read More.
Henry County REMC to build new headquarters
The Henry County REMC (HCREMC) Board of Directors today announced its decision to replace its current headquarters to most cost effectively meet its mission of providing safe, reliable and cost-effective electrical service to its members. The office and grounds, which …Read More.
Johnson County REMC receives RUS loan
The USDA Rural Utilities Service (RUS) celebrated the 80th anniversary of the creation of the Rural Electrification Service by announcing four loans totaling more than $100 million. The $14 million loan to Johnson County REMC supports building or improving 345 …Read More.
James Chapman
James Chapman, father of Terry Chapman passed away recently. Terry is the local Board director at Daviess-Martin County REMC and also serves as the Indiana Electric Cooperatives Board director. Jim Chapman retired from DMREMC in 1988 following 42 years of …Read More.
Work at home safely
The home office. Most Americans have one, whether it be a section of the living room or bedroom or an area in the house all its own. Advances in technology, along with an ever-changing work culture, have made the home …Read More.
Electrical safety outdoors begins by looking up and down
After a long, cold winter, Hoosiers can’t wait to get outdoors during longer days of sunshine to begin long, put-off chores in the yard. But before heading out with a ladder or a shovel, looking up and down for electric …Read More.
Electric service territory legislation signed by Gov. Pence
Gov. Mike Pence Friday signed electric service territory legislation (Senate Bill 309) into law. The legislation amends the existing law to preserve existing electric service boundaries, regardless of future annexations. Senate Bill 309 protects the affordability of electricity for all Hoosiers …Read More.