We serve 38 member cooperatives throughout the state of Indiana. Check out the map below for locations of each cooperative. If you’d like to know more about the benefits of becoming a member of Indiana Electric Cooperatives, click here.
Bartholomew County REMC
Phone: 812.372.2546
Website: www.bcremc.com
Chief Executive Officer: Courtney Metzger
Counties served: Bartholomew and parts of Jennings, Decatur and Jackson
Boone REMC
Phone: 765.482.2390
Website: www.bremc.com
President and Chief Executive Officer: William Conley
Counties served: Boone and parts of Clinton, Montgomery, Hendricks and Hamilton
Carroll White REMC
Delphi Office Phone: 765.564.2057
Monticello Office Phone: 574.583.7161
Website: www.cwremc.com
Chief Executive Officer: Cathy Raderstorf
Counties served: Carroll and White and parts of Benton, Cass, Clinton, Howard, Jasper, Pulaski and Tippecanoe
Clark County REMC
Phone: 812.246.3316
Website: www.clarkremc.coop
Chief Executive Officer: Jason Clemmons
Counties served: Parts of Clark, Floyd, Scott, Jefferson and Washington
Daviess-Martin County REMC
Phone: 812.295.4200
Website: www.dmremc.com
Executive Vice President and General Manager: Ryan Dant
Counties served: Daviess, Martin and part of Lawrence
Decatur County REMC
Phone: 812.663.3391
Website: www.dcremc.com
Chief Executive Officer: Brett Abplanalp
Counties served: Decatur and parts of Ripley, Jennings, Bartholomew, Franklin and Rush
Dubois REC, Inc.
Phone: 812.482.5454
Website: www.duboisrec.com
Chief Executive Officer and General Manager: Joseph Henson
Counties served: Dubois, Crawford and parts of Pike, Perry, Orange and Martin
Fulton County REMC
Phone: 574.223.3156
Website: www.fcremc.coop
Chief Executive Officer: Andrew Horstman
Counties served: Fulton and parts of Cass, Pulaski, Marshall, Kosciusko, Miami and Starke
Harrison REMC
Phone: 812.738.4115
Website: www.harrisonremc.com
Chief Executive Officer: David C. Lett
Counties served: Harrison and parts of Floyd, Clark, Washington and Crawford
Paulding Putnam Electric Cooperative Inc.
Phone: 800.686.2357
Website: www.ppec.coop
Chief Executive Officer: Randy Price
Counties served: (Indiana) Allen, Adams; (Ohio) Paulding, Putnam, Van Wert, Defiance, Allen
Hendricks Power Cooperative
Phone: 317.745.5473
Website: www.hendrickspower.com
Chief Executive Officer: Greg Ternet
Counties served: Hendricks and parts of Montgomery, Morgan and Putnam
Henry County REMC
Phone: 765.529.1212
Website: www.hcremc.com
Chief Executive Officer: Melissa True
Counties served: Henry and parts of Fayette, Rush, Hancock, Madison, Delaware, Randolph and Wayne
Jackson County REMC
Phone: 812.358.4458
Website: www.jacksonremc.com
President and Chief Executive Officer: Mark McKinney
Counties served: Jackson, Washington, Scott, Jennings, Brown, Bartholomew, Clark, Jefferson, Lawrence and Monroe
Jasper County REMC
Phone: 219.866.4601
Website: www.jasperremc.com
Chief Executive Officer: Jon Rich
Counties served: Jasper and parts of White, Starke, Pulaski, Porter and Newton
Jay County REMC
Phone: 260.726.7121
Website: www.jayremc.com
President and Chief Executive Officer: Neil Draper
Counties served: Jay and parts of Adams, Randolph, Delaware, Blackford and Wells
Phone: 317.736.6174
Website: www.jcremc.com
Chief Executive Officer: John Sturm
Counties served: Johnson and parts of Shelby, Morgan and Brown
Kankakee Valley REMC
Phone: 219.733.2511
Website: www.kvremc.com
Chief Operating Officer: Scott Sears
Counties served: Starke and parts of LaPorte, Porter, Lake, St. Joseph, Pulaski and Marshall
Kosciusko REMC
Phone: 574.267.6331
Website: www.kremc.com
President and Chief Executive Officer: Kurt Carver
Counties served: Kosciusko and parts of Fulton, Wabash and Whitley
LaGrange County REMC
Phone: 260.463.7165
Website: www.lagrangeremc.com
Chief Executive Officer: Mark Leu
Counties served: LaGrange and parts of Noble, Steuben and Elkhart
Marshall County REMC
Phone: 574.936.3161
Website: www.marshallremc.com
President and Chief Executive Officer: David Lewallen
Counties served: Marshall and parts of St. Joseph, Kosciusko, Fulton, Starke, and Elkhart
Miami-Cass REMC
Phone: 765.473.6668
Website: www.mcremc.coop
Chief Executive Officer: Robert Schwartz
Counties served: Miami, Cass, and part of Wabash
Newton County REMC
Phone: 219.297.3118
Website: www.newtoncountyremc.coop
General Manager: Mike Butler
Counties served: Newton and parts of Benton and Jasper
NineStar Connect
Phone: 317.477.2200
Website: www.ninestarconnect.com
President and Chief Executive Officer: Michael Burrow
Counties served: Hancock and parts of Hamilton, Madison and Rush
Noble REMC
Phone: 260.636.2113
Website: www.nobleremc.com
President and Chief Executive Officer: Ronald Raypole
Counties served: Noble, Kosciusko, Elkhart, LaGrange, Steuben, DeKalb, Whitley and Allen
Northeastern REMC
Phone: 260.244.6111
Website: www.nremc.com
President and Chief Executive Officer: Eric Jung
Counties served: Whitley and parts of Allen, Noble, Kosciusko, Huntington and Wabash
Orange County REMC
Phone: 812.865.2229
Website: www.myremc.coop
General Manager and Chief Executive Officer: Matt Deaton
Counties served: Orange and parts of Martin, Lawrence, Washington and Crawford
Parke County REMC
Phone: 765.569.3133
Website: www.pcremc.com
Chief Executive Officer: Chadd Jenkins
Counties served: Parke and parts of Putnam, Clay, Fountain, Montgomery, and Vigo
RushShelby Energy
Phone: 765.544.2600
Website: www.rse.coop
President and Chief Executive Officer: Chris Chastain
Counties served: Rush, Shelby and parts of Bartholomew, Decatur, Fayette, Franklin, Hancock, Henry and Johnson
South Central Indiana REMC
Phone: 765.342.3344
Website: www.sciremc.com
President and Chief Executive Officer: James Tanneberger
Counties served: Morgan, Monroe, Owen, Brown, Johnson, Putnam and Clay
Southeastern Indiana REMC
Phone: 812.689.4111
Website: www.seiremc.com
General Manager: Keith Mathews
Counties served: Dearborn, Franklin, Jefferson, Jennings, Ohio, Ripley and Switzerland
Southern Indiana Power
Phone: 812.547.2316
Website: www.southernindianapower.com
President and Chief Executive Officer: Steve Seibert
Counties served: Perry, Spencer, and parts of Dubois and Warrick
Steuben County REM
Phone: 260.665.3563
Website: www.remcsteuben.com
Chief Executive Officer: Kevin D. Keiser
Counties served: Steuben and parts of DeKalb and LaGrange
Tipmont REMC
Phone: 765.339.7211
Website: www.tipmont.org
President and Chief Executive Officer: Ronald Holcomb
Counties served: Parts of Fountain, Montgomery, Tippecanoe, Clinton, Carroll, White, Benton and Boone
United REMC
Phone: 260.758.3155
Website: www.unitedremc.com
Chief Executive Officer: Rob Pearson
Counties served: Huntington, Wells, and parts of Allen, Grant, Wabash, Whitley and Adams
Utilities District of Western Indiana REMC
Phone: 812.384.4446
Website: www.udwiremc.com
Chief Executive Officer: Douglas Childs
Counties served: Greene and parts of Clay, Daviess, Knox, Lawrence, Martin, Monroe, Owen, Putnam, Sullivan and Vigo
Heartland REMC
Phone: 260.758.3155 or 260.563.2146
Website: www.HeartlandREMC.com
Chief Executive Officer: Colt Burnau
Counties served: Huntington, Wabash and Wells. Parts of Adams, Allen, Grant, Kosciusko, Miami and Whitley.
Warren County REMC
Phone: 765.762.6114
Website: www.wcremc.com
General Manager: Charlie Dunn
Counties served: Warren and parts of Benton, Vermillion, Tippecanoe and White
Whitewater Valley REMC
Phone: 765.458.5171
Website: www.wwvremc.com
President and Chief Executive Officer: Mary Jo Thomas
Counties served: Wayne, Randolph, Union, Fayette, Franklin and Dearborn
Phone: 812.882.5140
Website: www.winenergyremc.com
Chief Executive Officer: Leslie Beard
Counties served: Knox, Posey, Pike, Gibson, Sullivan, Greene, Vigo and Clay
Heartland REMC
Phone: 260.758.3155 or 260.563.2146
Website: www.HeartlandREMC.com
Chief Executive Officer: Colt Burnau
Counties served: Huntington, Wabash and Wells. Parts of Adams, Allen, Grant, Kosciusko, Miami and Whitley.
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