The 21st Century Energy Task Force is expected to resume meeting Sept. 17. Hoosier Energy CEO Donna Walker represents the state’s cooperatives on this task force as a governor’s appointee.
In early August, the Indiana Utility Regulatory Commission (IRUC) issued its statutorily-required study on the statewide impacts of transitions in fuel sources and other electric general sources. The study also includes information on the impact of new and emerging technologies, electric generation capacity, system reliability, system resilience, and the cost of electric utility service for consumers.
The IEC internal task force working group, comprised of cooperative CEOs, G&T representatives and IEC staff, was established to identify and discuss key issues important to cooperatives and to guide Donna Walker’s representation of the cooperatives on the task force. The working group will meet and review the IURC study before the upcoming task force meeting.
The task force, which began meeting in 2019, completed about half of the proposed meetings before COVID-19 interrupted the expected summer meeting schedule. Task Force Chairmen Sen. Eric Koch and Rep. Ed Soliday have indicated the task force meetings will resume Sept. 17.